Come to the school
of the Master!

In the footsteps
of the disciples of Jesus...

And He said to them, “Follow Me...” (Matthew 4:19) This call to join Jesus’ band of disciples is as valid today as it was 2000 years ago. He also invites us to follow in His footsteps and to learn from Him.

Follow Me! is a training programme designed to 1. assist young Catholics 16 years and older in discovering God’s call on their life, 2. help them grow in their relationship with Jesus, and 3. equip them with practical tools to aid them in their service as “missionary disciples” in today’s world.

How Follow Me works



Fun and fellowship play a key role in the life of a disciple of Jesus and there will of course be no shortage of either of these during Follow Me!



One of the highlights of Follow Me! is getting to know other young people from so many different youth groups, movements and communities.



Holy mass, confession, eucharistic adoration and other forms of prayer are central elements of Follow Me!



The programme consists of 8 weekends, each with a different theme. The weekends are spread over a 12- to 14-month period to enable you to continue your schooling/studies/work while attending Follow Me!



The purpose of the 3-4 talks held each weekend is to present different aspects of the lives of Jesus’ disciples and to show you how these characteristics can be applied to your own life. The lessons are anchored in Catholic teaching (all of the talks have been reviewed and approved by a theological commission) and are immensely practical.

Learning By Doing

Learning By Doing

Every weekend will provide you with various opportunities to put what you have been learning into practice.

Small Groups

Small Groups

The small groups are another core component of Follow Me! Here, everyone has the opportunity to share their personal thoughts, questions, opinions, and to delve deeper into the current topic.



Fellowship is an indispensable part of the Christian life. In Follow Me! you will get a “taste” of various aspects of Christian fellowship through communal meals, afternoon coffee/tea and desserts, festive banquets, and hanging out with others each evening over snacks and something to drink.

Launch Pad

Launch Pad

Follow Me! is designed to be a launch pad for missionary disciples. If you want to get to know God better, learn to see yourself through His eyes and step into God’s vision for your life, Follow Me! is for you!

Follow Me! is rooted in Catholic spirituality and teaching. It is comprised of eight weekends spread over the course of a year. Participants learn about missionary discipleship not only through thematic talks, but also through creative “challenges,” small group interaction, outdoor activities and “learning by doing” (i.e. supervised opportunities for putting what was taught into practice).

Follow Me! draws on over 40 years of experience in running short and long-term discipleship training programmes for young Catholics on five continents.

Impact of Follow Me










Team Members


Loretto UzH Jugend mit einer Mission APG21 Charismatische Erneuerung Jugend 2000 Jugend 2000 Jüngergemeinschaft
This is where Follow Me! starts: to fan into flame the small fire that Jesus has started, by becoming a friend... in this way friendship with Jesus will grow and the desire to share that joy with others. Mgr Johannes Liesen, Bishop of Breda
For me, Follow Me! was something like the starter bag (available to marathon participants) for my walk with Jesus! Marina, Salzburg
I did Follow Me! first as a participant, then as a team member, and then as co-leader of a whole course. Follow Me! helped me to lay down my nets – in my case restrictions and reservations towards God – and to begin to follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Jakob Gfrerer, National Director of Alpha in Austria

Where is Follow Me?

Choose your country for dates, details and registration

International Leadership Team

Anna Liechtenstein

Anna Liechtenstein

[email protected]

Bruce Clewett

Bruce Clewett

[email protected]

Frank Bauer

Frank Bauer

[email protected]

Gabriele Petschnik

Gabriele Petschnik

[email protected]

Gavin Farley

Gavin Farley

[email protected]

Georg Mayr-Melnhof

Georg Mayr-Melnhof

[email protected]

Lukas Zeller

Lukas Zeller

[email protected]

Mark Borst

Mark Borst

[email protected]

Tim Nichols

Tim Nichols

[email protected]